A1 - Preliminary studies
Gathering state-of-the-art solutions and technologies commonly used in the subsystems addressed in the project - side panels, ceiling panels, structures of luggage and air conditioning ducts - and all possible integration between these different subsystems within the train interior.
A2 - Concept definition
Design of new concepts into the train and its preliminary design, including the subsystems - side panels / windows, roof panels, integration of air conditioning ducts and luggage, and other subsystems.
A3 - Development
Three-dimensional CAD modelling of the various subsystems to achieve a virtual image of the concept of selected design. Full integration of all components in the three-dimensional model will provide an assessment of preliminary aesthetic components, functionality, physical integration, access, maintenance and consideration of the main manufacturing processes. From the generated model, it will be performed the structural analysis, the simulation of the acoustic, hygrothermal and thermodynamic behaviour and the development of electrical and lighting systems, as well as the electronic systems and software.
A4 - Productive approach and Prototyping
Based on the detailed three-dimensional model of the main components, the study of the manufacturing processes of the different components and the assembly of each subsystem will be performed. The details for the manufacture of the final prototype will be carried out in this task, as well as the manufacture of prototypes that demonstrate the final product.
A5 - Verification and Validation tests
In this task, all the quality control actions of the produced prototypes will be carried out, verifying general dimensional and finishing aspects, as well as several functional aspects - interaction with the passenger, physical integration between subsystems, etc.
A6 - Publication and Promotion
Definition of the project branding - creation of a logo and preparation of all promotional material for internal and external communication of the project. This activity provides for the participation of the project in fairs and conferences in the railway sector and publications in specialized magazines.
A7 - Technical project management
Consortium coordination and project management.